This post is part of the complete latex pillow buyers guide
If you can’t remember the last time you replaced your pillows, then it’s probably time to do it.
The general rule of thumb is to replace within two years. But this is just to keep you from sleeping on a rotted pillow for too long. Different pillows have different levels of longevity, including latex pillows.
How long do latex pillows last? The average latex pillow should last at least four years. However, if properly maintained and cared for, your latex pillow could last even longer.
In this article, we’ll help you to know what a latex pillow is, how long latex pillows last, and how to maintain them to last beyond their replacement time.

Why Replace Your Pillow?
The pillows we sleep on play a role in the quality of sleep we get every night. Don’t take for granted that it doesn’t have a shelf life. Pillows are not meant to be slept on for a lifetime, and here’s why:
- Quality Sleep – We get the most support from our pillows when they’re newer. The support is important to keep the spine aligned, as it should be during the night. Without the proper alignment, we will wake up cranky and possibly in pain. Our overall objective for sleep is to give our body the proper rest it deserves from all the beating during the day. A good, quality pillow does that. When the pillow is beaten up and soft, it’s hard to get that support.
- Cleanliness – Many of us sweat during the night. Do you know where all that sweat and oil from your face is going? Into your pillow. On top of that, dead skin cells peel, and all of this gets absorbed in your pillow. Over time this could even cause certain allergic reactions or skin inflammations. Sure, you may wash your pillow a couple of times a month, but build-up still exists to the point that it may even discolor the pillow.
What are Latex Pillows?
Latex pillows are made from a natural polymer known as latex, which comes from a rubber tree. Latex is known for its durability and supportiveness. This natural characteristic also makes it hypoallergenic.
The latex from the rubber tree gets foamed so that it can be used as a pillow filling. This automatic filling gives the pillow spring and bounce-like qualities that make for great comfort during the night. The natural characteristics also contribute to the pillow’s cooling effect, which helps keep you cool during the night, which is a great relief for people who sleep hot.
Latex pillows are among the most lasting pillows. With proper care, you will get the ample support you need from your pillow for a long time (in pillow years).
What to Look for When Considering Replacing Your Latex Pillow

All pillows, depending on the type, have a recommended life span. But this recommendation assumes optimum care of the pillows. Keep in mind that not all pillows are maintained at the level they should be. So that warrants a need to replace sooner than recommended. Given that, it’s good to know the signs for when your latex pillow should be replaced.
- When damaged – Although not intentionally, we can damage our pillows. That could come from running them through a washer or dryer many, many times or from wringing them out in the water. These cleaning methods can warp a latex pillow and cause it to be less supportive. When this happens, and your pillow lacks support and is more like a ragged doll, it’s time to replace it.
- Loses form and support abilities – Latex pillows are great to conform to the neck and head initially. But after a while, as with any pillow, they break down from wear and tear and lose this ability. If your pillow is no longer supporting you like it used to, it’s time for a new one.
- You change – Some pillows are designed with a specific sleeping position in mind, and your sleeping position can change over time. If that’s the case, your latex pillow may no longer be the right pillow for you, and it’s time to replace it.
- Hygiene – Even though you may clean your pillow regularly, it’s still possible that some stains are not removable. Stains can accumulate from oils, sweat, or spills. When you find that no matter how much you clean, the stains are not coming out, it’s best to replace the pillow because they can work against the hypoallergenic properties of the pillow.
- Allergic reactions – If you find yourself with allergy symptoms, it could be from your pillow. Even though latex pillows have hypoallergenic properties, it may be possible that it has broken down over time, especially if you’ve had it a while. The other thing you could do is switch out your pillowcase. It may even be that you’ve developed a latex allergy. If this is the case, you will definitely want to replace your pillow.
How Long Do Latex Pillows Last?
The average latex pillow should last at least four years if properly maintained. However, some experts say it can last even longer. Because of the quality of materials, ease of cleaning, and the ability to use safe covers, latex pillows can indeed last even longer than four years.
How to Make Your Pillow Last Beyond the Duration

Many variables go into the life of a pillow, like how it was manufactured, the care and maintenance, and the environment of the pillow. Care is a major player in the duration of a pillow. Here are a few tips to help your latex pillow last as long as possible.
Clean Regularly
It’s not unusual for pillows to become dirty. It’s easy enough to switch out the pillowcases, but at some point, you need to properly clean them to help maintain their longevity.
Washing Your Latex Pillow
Latex pillows should not be washed in a washing machine. Here are steps for washing your latex pillows:
- Fill your sink with warm water and pour in some high-efficiency, gentle laundry detergent.
- Soak a clean towel in the water and wring it out completely. There should be no excess moisture.
- Blot the pillow with the towel. Give special attention to any stains. Never drench the pillow in the water. Only use the towel.
- After blotting, wrap the pillow in two dry towels and press out any excess moisture from the pillow. There should be no excess moisture in the pillow.
- Air-dry the pillow on a flat surface. Do not add a pillowcase until after the pillow is thoroughly dry.
Spot Clean
Sometimes your pillow may only need a quick spot clean instead of an entire wash. You can do this similar to washing. With a small amount of water, take an organic washcloth and clean over the spill or stain. Do not use any harsh cleaning products or scented sprays when cleaning, as these can damage the pillow.
Choose an Organic Pillowcase
The type of pillowcase you use can help with the frequency of cleaning. Using a quality organic pillowcase will help to avoid having to clean the pillows so often. Your latex pillow is organic and allergy-friendly; your pillowcase should be, also. Using a safe pillowcase can protect your latex pillow much longer than a traditional pillowcase can.
Things to Not do With Your Latex Pillow
Part of caring for your latex pillow is knowing what not to do. Avoiding certain things will help to ensure its longevity.
- Never wash your latex pillow in the washing machine. Washing your pillow in the washing machine will damage it.
- Never put your latex pillow in the dryer. The heat is not good for the makeup of the pillow. It will cause it to break down and become damaged.
- Never use chemical cleaners on your latex pillow. Try to use natural chemicals or low-chemical cleaners. That will protect your pillows from damage and maintain the integrity of the allergy-free benefits offered by the pillow.
- Don’t leave your latex pillow outside for long periods. The outdoor heat and moisture can be damaging to the pillow.
Latex Pillows: A complete buyers guide – Parts:
1. Why Should You Use A Latex Pillow? The Pros and Cons
2. Latex vs Memory Foam Pillows: What’s the difference and which is better?
3. Are Latex Pillows Safe? What about the smell?
4. How Long Do Latex Pillows Last? This is the replacement time
5. How to Wash And Dry a Latex Pillow: Step by step guide
6. Best Latex Pillows of 2021 – Full Guide and Review