Do People Sleep Better in a Clean Room? – The Bedding Planet

Do People Sleep Better in a Clean Room?

“Cleanliness is next to Godliness.”

You have probably heard this saying more than once when it comes to maintaining a clean environment. But does your bedroom count? Do you have to be in a clean room for better sleep?

Studies show that sleeping in a clean room improves sleep and leads to better productivity. In addition, cleaning your bedroom allows the circulation of fresh and cool air, which is integral for better sleep.

Sometimes the only reason you’re tossing and turning through the night is because of the dirty sheets and musty air in the bedroom. Did you know that your body sheds millions of dead skin cells every day? These skin cells can accumulate in your bedding, inviting bed bugs and dirt mites into your bed. That’s scary, right?

Read on to discover why maintaining a clean room is essential for better sleep and how to uphold cleanliness.

What Are The Causes of a Messy Bedroom?

1. Hoarding

Hoarding is a significant reason for creating a dirty sleeping environment. Although most people hoard stuff to feel secure, your room is bound to become messy if you have trouble throwing out unnecessary stuff.

In addition, you will have difficulty reaching every corner during cleaning and create piles in your room, which breed insects.

2. Bad cleanliness habits

Bad habits like throwing clothes on the floor, eating in bed, or not wiping drinks when they spill can result in a dirty room.

If you’re constantly throwing dirty clothes around or eating in your bedroom, the dirt can attract dust mites, roaches, or bedbugs.

3. Poor storage

If you have nowhere to store your items, chances are you’ll place them anywhere in your room. Clean or not, that can create a mess.

In addition, if you don’t organize your room, the chances of developing an unclean environment are high. You end up arranging clothes, body oils, and accessories in the same closet or drawers.

4. Perfectionism

You read that right; sometimes, perfection can lead to a dirty environment. But what does that mean? You might wonder.

Well, if you’re always waiting for things to become perfect before you can organize, you will end up in a dirty room. Often, people will want to hold off on organizing until they have the best organizer, bed, wardrobe, or even room color.

What Are The Effects of Sleeping in a Dirty Room?

1. Causes Insomnia

For some people, the state of the bedroom doesn’t determine when they fall asleep. But if you are aware of your surroundings, sleeping in a dirty room can lead to insomnia. Typically, the presence of clutter and disorganization causes your brain to stay alert as you figure out how and when to clean your room.

You may start wondering whether important documents disappeared in the clutter or when you have time to clean. When you lay in bed thinking, your brain receives the signal that it’s time to stay awake and come up with solutions. In the long run, you end up sleeping late and waking up tired.

2. Causes Anxiety/Depression

Believe it or not, dirty rooms are associated with anxiety and depression. Studies show that staying in an unclean environment leads to the production of excess cortisol, which is a stress hormone. You also develop feelings of worthlessness because you view yourself as being lazy and unproductive.

Additionally, clutter and dirt make it difficult for you to relax. You are always thinking of ways to clear out the clutter and clean your room. However, you don’t know how long it will take and if your room will ever be clean. These thoughts make you anxious and leave you feeling depressed.

3. Dust mites and other insects

How scary is the thought of sleeping in a bed full of bedbugs and dust mites? Yes, if you sleep in a dirty room, chances are your bed and other corners of your room are home to these insects.

In addition, these insects are tiny and can go undetected for months. For example, a dust mite only measures 0.25 mm in length, making it very difficult to detect with the naked human eye.

These insects can cause sneezing, redness of the skin and eyes, itching, or trouble breathing. Remember, your body sheds skin every day, and dust can also accumulate, creating a conducive environment for these insects. As a result, you may also be prone to severe diseases, such as asthma and eczema.

4. Broken relationships

If you’re in a relationship, a dirty room can cause misunderstandings in your relationship leading to separation. Your room should be your haven, but if you always have to argue about cleaning; things might fall apart.

Furthermore, not many people want to be associated with a dirty person. As a result, you will end up alone, which of course can be depressing.

Six Signs It’s Time to Clean Your Room

Sometimes you might be sleeping comfortably in a messy bedroom without the necessary awareness. If that’s the case, here are six vital signs that you need to clean your bedroom.

  1. Your rugs have acquired a new color. If you bought white or blue floor mats and they’re suddenly brown, it’s time to clean your room.
  2. You can’t see the floor. If you’re a hoarder or you don’t pick up after yourself, chances are your floor is covered by clothes, books, plates, etc. Clean your room before; you invite cockroaches and bedbugs into our space.
  3. When the air in your room is stuffy or dusty, that means you rarely open your windows or freshen the room.
  4. If everyone is telling you to clean your room and no one wants to hang out inside your bedroom, get your gloves on and clean your bedroom.
  5. You can’t differentiate between clean and dirty clothes or garbage and non-garbage materials. This is the most obvious indication that your room is messy. Furthermore, everything will be sticky, and you’ll start noticing fungi in some areas.
  6. If you can’t find misplaced personal items and you have clutter all over, that’s a sign your room needs some TLC.
  7. Cockroaches, bedbugs, and dust mites are a huge indication that your room is dirty. Unfortunately, these insects rarely find a home in a clean house; therefore, if you start spotting bed bugs and other harmful insects, spare some time to clean your room.

How do You Maintain a Clean Room For Better Sleep?

1. Wash your beddings regularly

As mentioned above, your body sheds dead skin cells every night. In addition, you will sweat or drool, which creates moisture, a breeding ground for bacteria and mold. Therefore, you must change your beddings regularly to avoid bug infestation and bacteria. You can change your sheets at least once every week and change your covers or rotation every two weeks.

Pillows are the most neglected items on the bed, but they are also more likely to host these dust mites and bedbugs. Change your pillow covers weekly and replace your pillows at least once a year. Cotton sheets and silk pillowcases are top-rated because they’re breathable, soft, and easy to clean. Pay attention to the fabric while selecting your beddings.

2. Pick up after yourself

It is effortless to create piles of clutter by placing items at the same spot regularly. You might not do it intentionally, but this will eventually lead to a dirty room. So instead, make a habit of picking after yourself, cleaning, and placing everything in the right spot.

3. Don’t eat in your bed

It is common for people to eat in their bedrooms. Be it snacks, drinks, or breakfast in bed, you want to be cozy and free. But that isn’t always a good idea.

Eating in your bed leaves behind crumbs, which can turn your bed into a breeding ground for insects. You might also spill drinks or soup on your bed, leaving behind stains.

The only way you can eat in your bedroom is to have a secluded area solely for that purpose. That way, you can clean up after and avoid your bed.

4. Don’t be a hoarder

You already know hoarding is the primary reason for sleeping in a dirty room. A cluttered room is challenging to organize and always leaves dark spots that can turn into breeding spaces for insects and other harmful bacteria. Therefore, if your room is full of stuff, take some time to declutter your space and allow clean air circulation.

You can find storage in other rooms or give out the things you don’t need. Start slowly and be consistent to avoid reverting to your old ways. A spacious room allows the circulation of clean air, prevents accidents, and enables you to see the spots that need cleaning.

5. Clean your room regularly

From the bed, mattress, and windows make it a habit to clean your room at least once a week. You can aerate or vacuum your mattress and wipe the bed to remove dust or stains. Remember to pay attention to the material used to manufacture the bed.

Thoroughly cleaning your room at least once a week enables the circulation of fresh air, thus preventing stuffiness and difficulty breathing in your sleep. You can also use an air purifier to improve your room’s air quality and filter out bacteria.

6. Store everything correctly

Whether you’re in a big or small bedroom, being organized is essential. Separate your clothes, accessories, underwear, shoes, and cosmetics by arranging them in different areas. Furthermore, you can always purchase additional storage to ensure there’s enough space for everything you own.

In addition, don’t forget to put everything back. For example, if you’re reading a book, put it back on the shelf once you finish. The same applies to your toothbrush, accessories, stationery, shoes, etc. Staying organized is the easiest way to maintain a clean bedroom.

If the mess is already made, don’t be hard on yourself. Instead, start slowly and create a routine that will help you uphold cleanliness. You can always reach out for help if you don’t know what it takes to maintain a cleanroom.

Remember, good quality sleep ensures productivity and good mental health. Therefore, create a clean environment that will facilitate good quality sleep.

Niklas Lampi

My name is Niklas and I'm the author and content operator at The Bedding Planet. I've always had a big interest in bedding and more specifically sleep. If I find something that makes me sleep better, whether that's a lifestyle change or a better bedding environment, I'm ready to share it with the world!

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